Our health is the result of our habits…
- Sleep
- Diet
- Exercise
- Emotional balance and vices control
- Do what we love in life and flourish
Long-term health is the result of accumulating good habits.
Health comes from within, the result of our internal structure.
We have to be conscious of what we are made of.
What are our thoughts, what emotions dictate our actions and clearly how do we take care of our physical body?
Our nutrition is physical, emotional and spiritual.
Water’s main functions are nurturing, detoxify and give mental clarity.
The purpose is to develop a sustainable lifestyle incorporating an optimal nutrition.
If we want to maintain our health, we have to think about the quality of our nourishment.
When we think of diet, we tend to talk about solids, but mostly never of liquids as a nutrition source.
It’s almost logical when we realize water makes 75% of our bodies.
We can spend weeks without food but not even 3 days without water.
We tend to think of certain symptoms in our daily lives as "normal", when they are actually indicating dehydration.
- 💧 Fatigue
- 💧 Dizziness
- 💧 Clouded mind
- 💧 Bad concentration
- 💧 Cramps
- 💧 Dull and dry skin
- 💧 Dark and infrequent peeing
- 💧 Bad breath
- 💧 Mood changes
- 💧 Shivers
- 💧 Joint pain
- 💧 Constipation
- 💧 Headache
And it’s not only quantity, but quality.
Have you ever thought about the impact of the water quality you’re drinking?
What are the damages of the pollutant in the water such as chemicals, heavy metals and bacteria in our bodies?
What are the risks of contaminated water?
Bottled water contains chemical pollutants such as Bisphenol A, Phtalatos and microplastics. These contaminants are endocrine disruptors and have been catalogued as estrogenic.
On average, humans consume 5gr of microplastics per week.
Endocrine disruptors are a series of chemical substances capable of altering the hormonal system of the human organism:
Diferentes enfermedades relacionadas con la salud reproductiva de la mujer (cáncer de mama, infertilidad, pubertad precoz, etc.)
Trastornos de la función reproductora masculina (afecciones de próstata, pérdida de la calidad seminal, malformaciones congénitas del aparato reproductor)
Trastornos metabólicos (diabetes u obesidad)
Enfermedades neurológicas (trastornos del comportamiento, déficit de atención e hiperactividad, enfermedad de Parkinson, etc.)
Cáncer de tiroides
El efecto de los disruptores endocrinos sobre el organismo es acumulativo e irreversible y se pueden transmitir de una generación a otra sin que se haya manifestado patológicamente.
Además, estudios demuestran que el 50% de los garrafones en las principales ciudades de México trazan positivo a materia fecal
Every year, close to 4 million people, mainly children, die of health issues related to polluted water and inadequate sanitation.
Another big problem is the acidity of bottled or incorrectly purified water.
When the acidity in our blood increases, it unbalances its natural state, leading to acidosis which leads to endless diseases.
Blood’s natural state is alkaline and in an alkaline body, no diseases can develop.
We must hydrate with the essential minerals that promote the body's biochemistry.
During millions of years, nature’s water has provided the essential electrolytes necessary for the body’s proper functioning. The artificial beverages that promote a better hydration contain artificial flavours, scents and colours that provide no benefit and can even be harmful.
Properly balanced water is in his nutritious value rich in minerals that provide electrolytes.

Ayuda a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, ayuda al cuerpo a fabricar proteínas y el ADN. Favorece la cicatrización de las heridas y el funcionamiento normal del sentido del gusto y el olfato.

El cuerpo necesita yodo para producir hormonas tiroideas. Estas hormonas controlan el metabolismo del cuerpo y muchas otras funciones importantes como el crecimiento, regulación de la temperatura corporal, desarrollo del sistema nervioso, asimilación de los nutrientes, regulación del ritmo cardíaco y desarrollo de la piel.

Es un metal alcalino que ayuda a tener neuronas sanas y una buena transmisión de impulsos en el sistema nervioso central, es esencial para regular la función de los músculos, los niveles de azúcar en la sangre, y la presión sanguínea. Además, ayuda a formar proteína, masa ósea y ADN.

El cuerpo almacena más del 99% del calcio en los huesos y los dientes para ayudarlos a ser fuertes y resistentes. El resto se encuentra en todo el cuerpo en la sangre, los músculos y el líquido entre las células. El organismo necesita del calcio para ayudar a que los músculos y los vasos sanguíneos se contraigan y se relajen, para secretar hormonas y enzimas y enviar mensajes a través del sistema nervioso.

Desempeña un papel vital para la reproducción, la función de la glándula tiroidea, la producción de ADN y para proteger al cuerpo contra infecciones y el daño causado por los radicales libres, moléculas que causan cáncer.

El organismo necesita potasio para el buen funcionamiento del riñón y del corazón, ayuda a los nervios y músculos a comunicarse, permite que los nutrientes en las células fluyan y ayuda a expulsar los desechos de las células.

El hierro es un mineral necesario para el crecimiento y desarrollo del cuerpo.
Ayuda a la producción de la hemoglobina, proteína de los glóbulos rojos que transporta el oxígeno de los pulmones a distintas partes del cuerpo, y la mioglobina, una proteína que provee oxígeno a los músculos. También es esencial para elaborar hormonas y tejido conectivo.

El organismo necesita fósforo para producir energía y llevar a cabo muchos procesos químicos importantes. Ayuda al mantenimiento de los sistemas circulatorio y digestivo, nutre el cerebro, ojos, músculos e hígado.
After an ionization process, dissolving minerals in the water, it becomes alkaline.
Benefits of alkaline water:
Balances blood’s pH
Alkaline immunity: the natural state of the blood is alkaline. Virus cant reproduce in cells and blood with an alkaline pH- between 7.35 and 7.45. Improves blood’s fluidity, leading to better hydration in tissues and muscles.
Helps metabolism
Promotes the oxidation of the sugar (metabolic energy) and stored fat allowing weightloss, improving vitality.
Strengthens immune system
Stimulates a better immune system performance, optimizing organ function, providing vital support to the functions and is key for antibodies production.
Detoxifies the body
By eliminating toxins we have contact with every day, such as medicines, pollution, food residues, cigarretes, car pollution, sprays, etc. we avoid acidification of the body reflecting positively on the skin, nails and hair.
Great antioxidant
Avoids cell damage by neutralizing free radicals.
Slows aging process
Promotes oxygen production regenerating cells. Allows to counteract cell decay caused by free radicals produced by oxygen metabolism and external factors such as pollution, not sleeping well, not eating properly, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
Prevents diseases
Neutralizes the body’s acidity keeping it on balance. Healthy cells have a better development in an oxygenated environment. If a cells lacks oxygen, it weakens mutates or dices, becoming poison on the bloodstream. Diseases thrive in an acidic environment. No disease known can thrive in an alkaline environment.
Neutralizes heartburn
Neutralizes and diminishes the effect of the gastric acids on stomach’s mucosa and esophagus, diminishing heartburn sensation.
Improves nutrient assimilation
When our blood is alkaline, it is more liquid, which optimizes nutrient transport from the digestive tube to all the body cells. Also improves oxygen transportation from the respiratory system to the tissues and backwards expelling carbon dioxide.
Recently, in the scientific community, the benefits of the hydrogen for the health have been recognized.
Benefits that for thousands of years have been recognized as miracles in thermal springs around the world, very present in the onsen of the Japanese bath culture or the Grotte de Massabielle on the Sanctuary of Lourdes in France.
It’s the extremes of oxygen and hydrogen what provides and equilibrium between oxidation and reduction, vital phenomena for life.
Hydrogen is the most bio-available element.
It’s the most effective antioxidant, also called essential antioxidant. The antioxidants are substances which prevent cell damage.
It has the capacity to neutralize selectively free radicals, meaning it doesn’t diminish radicals beneficial to our health, only cytotoxic radicals.
Cytotoxicity is the quality of being toxic for cells.
Let's put an example:
In 2011, Japan suffered a Tsunami which affected 3 nuclear plants in Hiroshima. Knowing the danger they represented, the government chose 33 experts to contain radiation, knowing it was a death sentence. A chemist proposed treating them with hydrogen therapies. Of the 33 infected, only 3 dies after the hydrogen treatments, when they were all destined to die.
Hydrogen, for its capacity to reach subcellular compartments, is the most effective molecule eliminating cytotoxic free radicals, protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins.
Transforms free radicals into water, without generating toxic subproducts.
For its selectivity and neutral subproducts, there are no secondary effects nor any possibility of overdose.
Hydrogen advantages:
- 💧 Antioxidant
- 💧 Anti-inflammatory
- 💧 Antiallergenic
Avoiding degenerative damage such as:
💧Skin• Burns • Dermatitis • Psoriasis
💧Heart• Angioplasty • Keshan's disease (selenium deficiency)
💧Joints• Rhemoid arthritis
💧Lungs• Asthma • Respiratory distress syndrome • Hyperoxia • Ventilation-induced lung injury • Pulmonary shock (septic, hypovolemic)
💧Ear• Sensory hearing loss
💧Brain• Stroke • Trauma • Neurotoxins • Parkinson's disease • Alzheimer's disease
💧Multi-organs• Radiation • Aging • Cancer • Reflux • Diabetes
💧Vessels• Vasospasm • Atherosclerosis
💧Liver• Endotoxin liver • Liver injury • Hepatitis • Ischemia/reperfusion injury • Drug-induced liver injury • Obstructive jaundice
💧Pancreas• Type II diabetes • Islet dysfunction • Acute pancreatitis
💧Intestine• Ischemic bowel • Inflammatory bowel disease
💧Other• Immediate type allergic reaction • Radioprotective effects • Tumorigenesis
All the benefits of the best water are possible with

The Water Perfect equipment is the only on the market that offers at a standard price functional mineral alkaline water with discharges of molecular hydrogen and the best quality standards in the world!
Clarity has the most innovative technology on a global scale, a social program, an ecological program and an affiliation program which has provided thousand with a passive income.
Find out more about Clarity’s foundations!
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