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Introducing Water Perfect®

Water Perfect®️ is a system that has been built under the highest quality standards, including technology from 5 different countries and 5 international certificates.

We have worked together to
provide the best water system

5 years of research have allowed us to bring together the best water treatment technologies and the highest quality materials from the United States, Germany, Korea, and Japan into a mineral alkaline, hydrogen rich, water purifier that meets and exceeds international water purification standards.

100% bacteria
and viruses reduction

Water Perfect® provides the best possible water quality, complying with a certified 100% reduction of bacteria and viruses.

0.01 micron
semipermeable membrane

Water Perfect® processes water at 0.01 microns through its polysulfon membrane.

100% chemical and
heavy metal free

Water Perfect® retains chlorine, chloramine, arsenic, trihalomethanes and up to 800 different disolved water pollutants for achieving exceptional taste and a higher grade of purity.

3000 gallons
or 1 year of use

Water Perfect® meets your needs for purified water, avoiding delivery trucks and the contamination of thousands of plastic bottles.

Mineral Alkaline Water

Alkalyt seeks to imitate the process of nature as it happens in rivers and springs.

Our cartridge uses high quality tourmalines in a process known as alkalinization by selective mineralization.

Alkalinity up to 9.5pH

The alkaline water of Water Perfect® adjusts the pH of the blood towards the alkaline side, this brings with it multiple health benefits

Water Perfect®'s maximum antioxidant power.

High-quality hydrogenation that generates ultrapure molecular hydrogen for maximum antioxidant power.

200 to 600ppb molecular
hydrogen concentration

Water Perfect® offers you the daily intake of hydrogenated water in your home and thus reduce the level of oxidation in the body, significantly improving your health.

-250 to -400mV
antioxidation potential

Water Perfect® generates great-tasting antioxidant water

Water Perfect®'s purification stages

Our cartridge uses high quality tourmalines in a process known as alkalinization by selective mineralization.


Stage One
High density, food degree, multilayer polypropylene prefilter efficiently retains suspended solids, organic material, mud, asbestos, oxide, dust, and other particles down to 1 micron recovering water clarity and transparency.

Advanced Filtration

Stage Two
The world’s finest Granular Activated Carbon Kuraray and certified by the NSF retains chlorine, chloramine, arsenic, trihalomethanes and up to 800 different disolved water pollutants for achieving exceptional taste and a higher grade of purity.

Ultra Pure

Stage 3|Only on Water Perfect® Standard

This membrane with semipermeable capacity allows water passage through its 0.01 micron pores eliminating bacteria, virus, cysts and fungus.

The membrane's special composition destroys microorganisms effectively.

Ultra Pure water purification that achieves 100% microbiological removal and a effective colloids, asbestos, and other water disolved pollutant reduction.

Hard Water

Stage 3|Only on Water Perfect® Hard Water
High quality hard water membrane made in the USA that is able to remove a wide spectrum of contaminants such as dissolved salts, lead, mercury, calcium, iron, copper, chromium, arsenic, fluoride, radium, nitrates, sulfates, asbestos, cysts and other chemical contaminants as metal ions and aqueous salts producing chemically pure water.

Antioxidant Remineralization

Stage Four
Tourmalines imported from Japan and Korea enrich water with Molecular Hydrogen that provides an efficient antioxidant power, plus 6 essential negatively charged minerals that promote the biochemistry of the body and accelerate tissue hydration.

Molecular hydrogen enrichment and inhibitor

Stage Five
Molecular hydrogen converts water into the most effective antioxidant for our body with power from -250 to -400mV, capable of helping to neutralize cytotoxic radicals and reduce the level of oxidation, significantly improving health.

¿What are tourmalines for?

Tourmaline ceramics inside the Alkalyt cartridge enrich the water with a balanced combination of negatively charged essential minerals that provide an alkaline pH improving its taste.

Additionally, our proprietary Magnesium alloy produces molecular hydrogen that provides water with real, laboratory certified, antioxidant power.


Se encuentra principalmente en los alimentos lácteos, como la leche, queso y yogurt. Ayuda a mantener sus huesos fuertes.


Es un mineral encontrado principalmente en pescados y mariscos y desempeña un papel vital en la protección de las células contra los radicales libres, moléculas que causan cáncer.


Se obtiene principalmente de la sal yodada, mariscos y algunas verduras de color verde oscuro. Su ausencia causa alteraciones del desarrollo físico y mental en los niños.


Se encuentra en la carne, los huevos, el pescado y las aves de corral. Es necesaria para ayudar a la sangre a recoger y distribuir el oxígeno a través del corazón, el cerebro y los pulmones.


Se encuentra en alimentos como el salvado, maíz, carne y pescado. Ayuda al mantenimiento de los sistemas circulatorio y digestivo, nutre el cerebro, ojos, músculos e hígado.


Se encuentra en cereales integrales, leguminosas y té. Ayuda a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico. La falta de zinc genera problemas en la piel y cicatrización de heridas prolongada.


Ayuda a los nervios y músculos a comunicarse, permite que los nutrientes en las células fluyan y ayuda a expulsar los desechos de las células.


Se puede encontrar en frutas, cereales y productos lácteos. Ayuda a tener neuronas sanas y una buena transmisión de impulsos en el sistema nervioso central.

Water Perfect® Hard Water Kit

You will need to include Hard Water Kit for your Water Perfect if:
  • Your water hardness is above 400ppm of Calcium and Magnesium
  • Air drying your glass and cristal dishware leaves white tartar spots as a residue
  • Tartar rings form on your toilet
  • Your coffee pot and showers are constantly clogged
  • You know about specific pollutants in your water such as arsenic (normally regulated by your local water commission)
  • You have blood pressure problems, kidney stones, varicose veins or you are undergoing hemodialysis.
  • You have blood pressure problems, kidney stones, varicose veins or you are undergoing hemodialysis
  • You need a Hard Water Kit if you have a water softener


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