Water Perfect vs gravity filters. How good are they?
There is no doubt that having a water purifier at home contributes to a good overall health as people living in that home will drink more water than people who buy bottled water. Drinking plenty of water is excellent for health as it improves digestion and makes it easier for our body to release toxins while regulating weight.
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Buy a water purifier, it is a very intelligent purchase.
A water purifier substantially improves water quality, it's a smart purchase that saves you money and avoids hassles by not having to buy bottled water or waiting for the container delivery truck.Remember, if you do not filter your water, the filter is you!
What are the differences between water perfect and gravity filters?
In this article we will help you to compare water perfect, a state-of-the-art purifying system with most gravity water filters on the market today.
Water perfect is easy to install under sink. Under sink systems allow you to have more space on top of your counter. Having a direct connection to the water outlet is ideal as it will produce purified water of unlimited continuous flow. The gooseneck faucet is placed on the basin allowing you to also use purified water for washing fruits and vegetables or for filling larger pots with water for cooking.
Gravity filters are easily assembled as well, but they stay on the counter and use a lot of space. Most of the models not necessarily look nice. Gravity filters have to be filled with a jug every time you want to filter more water and the limited height of the dispenser faucet only allows you to use small glasses. To solve this, the filter is often placed on the edge of the surface of the counter which makes it unsafe.
The main reason for the popularity of gravity filters is their low cost since they exist starting at $ 15 dollars. In some cases, these simple filters are sold very expensive to finance sales commissions, but this does not mean that they produce quality water.
Water perfect is priced right and is financed by clarity which makes the monthly expense very affordable, compared to the purchase of water. When you are a member of the water perfect experience your water can be free for life once you have recommended it with family and friends.
Water quality.
This is the most important point to consider. Although both systems can solve the problem of having water to drink at home, it is not always the optimal level of necessary quality to ensure that the water you drink is safe, has excellent flavor and most important is healthy.
In order to comply with the strictest water purification standards, it is necessary to comply with several water treatment steps to achieve an optimum degree of purity, excellent taste and hydration.
Water perfect features a first stage which is a multi-layer anti-bacterial polyfoam filter. Because this intelligent filter consists of several layers that reduce the size of the pore, it is does not clog and doesn’t restrict the water flow. Crystallinity of water is recovered.
Gravity filters do not have the necessary water pressure so water has difficulty passing through the smaller pore filters and obtaining clean water is time consuming. To counteract this, many brands use fabrics or sponges which pores are bigger, up to 50 microns, so that the filtration effect and recovery of water transparency is limited.
Disinfection filtration and advanced
Water perfect features a zinc / copper alloy battery made in the united states and certified by the fda. This generates micro electric shocks that kill bacteria and viruses to a 99.8% log. Additionally, this battery polarizes the water retaining heavy metals like lead and cadmium and other contaminants of serious long term danger to humans.
Most gravity filters do not have a disinfection stage and they trust that the municipality has chlorinated the water for disinfection. Some brands have chosen to use chlorine tablets like those used in the pools, which, although they kill bacteria, leave a lot of residual chlorine in the water which strongly oxidizing water. This is bad for human health and accelerates aging. To maintain its low cost, no current gravity equipment has a heavy metal retention phase.
Water perfecthas a select combination of the best materials in the world for water purification. Activated carbon and ion exchange resins allow us to remove more than 800 contaminants from water, from chlorine to pesticides and colloids. In each cartridge the water flow is from bottom to the top which allows air to be removed and therewith prevents bacterial reproduction. This guarantees safe water for consumption and freshness.
Most gravity filters have a small cartridge in which water drops in from the first stage filter. By gravity water drips to the bottom. As there is no water pressure, each drop finds the path of least resistance to the bottom avoiding penetrating the active carbon but draining through micro-channels of less resistance that are formed. Studies demonstrate the ineffectiveness of this principle by dripping since more than 50% of the water finds its way to the bottom without having been in contact with the activated carbon enough time to achieve a complete removal of chemicals. To prevent the user from perceiving this problem, they recommend soaking the cartridge by sinking it into water to saturate the coals and prevent the micro-channels from being seen.
Water perfect has an ultra small pore membrane. Imported from germany and fda-certified semipermeable 0.01 micron pores retains 100% of bacteria and virus. The result is ultra pure water 100% free of bacteria, viruses and germs. Special polysulfon material prevents bacterial growth and ensures freshness for an extended period of time . This technology also known as water permeation, produces water easy to absorb as the sub-micron pores permeate the water simulating how your skin and the membranes of cells work. Gravity filters do not have ultra purification because these membrane type require water pressure to produce permeated water.
Alkaline Water.
Water perfect has a unique stage of alkalization through special tourmalines that release essential minerals in a controlled and prolonged way for the optimal functioning of the human body. It imitates nature by generating water with an alkaline ph by selective mineralization, as in occurs in rivers and springs. Thanks to the alkaline ph that is obtained and to our molecular hydrogen release technology, hydrogen remains suspended in water more stable, offering a real and measurable antioxidant power of up to -350 mv.
Some gravity filters have stones that in theory mineralize water and supposedly alkaline it. In practice this does not happen because water has no mechanical force, no movement in the lower basin to loosen minerals from stones. The time that water is in the bottom basin of the filter is not enough to achieve this goal. This is why gravity filter water does not have any antioxidant power.
Water perfect is maintenance free. You only replace the quick change cartridges once a year when they arrive to your home.
Gravity filters are really a hassle. Since bacterial reproduction is constant, water receptacles have to be washed periodically. In addition, as it is difficult to wash the mineral stones accurately, these must be boiled to guarantee they are bacteria free. Incredible but true. Why would you drink water from a water purifier that you have disinfect because of the risk of bacterial reproduction?
Did you know these systems are not authorized for sale in most first world countries but companies use the lack of regulations in third world countries to profit with these cheap products endangering human health?
All materials used for water perfect are certified by either the food and drug administration (usa), sgs (societé générale de surveillance de switzerland), nsf (national sanitation foundation usa), or comply with the oficial water purification norm 244. Water perfect is classified as a aaa water purification system as authorized for use in hospitals.
Clarity systems is a member of the wqa (water quality association).
Some gravity filters mention being endorsed by associations such as pediatrics or recommended by private doctors.
These are not specialized bodies in the matter and therefore lack scientific validity. These filters are classified as a and comply with the municipalities water treatment standard provided the treated water has been previously chlorinated.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
At clarity we are so sure that you will be happy with all the benefits that have been mentioned, that we believe you will never want to change your water source. However, if for any reason you are not happy, you have a 30-day guarantee to return it and receive a full refund for what you paid for your system. No other brand in the market offers a satisfaction guarantee of this kind. Many companies have decided not to offer it as there could be a high degree of returns that would generate an uncostly operation.
Now that you know the most important points to consider in order to correctly select a water purifier, remember that the health of your family is priceless. Be a member of the water perfect experience and turn the money you spent on bottled water into an incredible business opportunity!