What is pH and why is it important?
Did you know that pH is basically present in your life and nature? It is important to know at least basic information about this for our own safety and understand how it helps or how affects our body.
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pH means potential of Hydrogen, indicates the concentration of ions in the hydrogen atom present in a solution. The logarithmic scale works like this: solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with a low concentration have a high pH. The pH scale usually ranges from 0 to 14. Solutions with less than 7 are acidic, while those with more than 7 are basic or alkaline.
The pH in human body
The pH in our body may vary considerably from one area to another. It can be assumed that the stomach has acid in order to help digestion. Another example is the skin, which is slightly acid. Nevertheless, our blood is slightly alkaline in order to keep proper functions in our body.
Carcinogenic cells spread in acid environments. Another important fact: mixing acid with alkali will cancel external effects. For example, the milk of magnesia (pH10) work's as an antacid because neutralize the high acidity in our digestive system. Another example is alkaline water because helps to neutralize blood acidity.
PH in nature
To be healthy, every living being needed the necessary conditions for life, including pH. A clear example of this is soil moisture, if the pH in moisture had high acidity, will concentrate dangerous toxicity and create a hostile environment for plants. Although some plants can grow in a slightly acid environment (pH 4.5-5.5), other plants need an environment without acidity. The water in lakes, rivers, lagoons, and springs without contamination it's slightly alkaline. Many fishes live in healthy waters with a pH from 6 to 9. That's why any alteration could be deadly to the living being.
How pH can be measured?
Depending on your budget and precision you need, you will find pH measurement tools. For example, pH strips or pH test papers(less precision),pHmeters are distinguished for its accuracy. About pH indicators,there are 3 types of them to measure different ranges of pH like phenolphthalein (range pH 8.2 to 10.0; colorless to pink), bromthymol blue (range pH 6.0 to 7.6; yellow to blue), and litmus (range pH 4.5 to 8.3; red to blue).
Examples of pH in nature: -Acids (less than 7) Soda, alcohol, gastric acid, milk, acid rain, vinegar, and medicine. -Alkaline (more than 7) Baking soda, toothpaste, sea water, ammonia, bleach.